Friday, June 8, 2012

Organizational Behaviour Theory

Organisation Theory 2011, Advanced Course, 7,5 ECTS

As organisations in their different forms play a central role in modern society, organisational theory and related areas are studied for many purposes and from many different perspectives. This course will focus on modern classical organisational theory. Concepts and paradigms of classical organisational theory will be studied as well as HRM, culture, strategy, power, institutions, gender and structural organisational theory.

One central aspect of organisations is that they consist of individuals, or actors, who together create not only organisations, but primarily different perceptions of them. Furthermore, society in our part of the world consists of different types of organisations, in which we live major parts of our lives as family members, employees, students, etc. The qualities and intentions of the actor, as well as the structures which exist in society at large affect what happens in a certain organisation.


Welcome to this year's course!

We are looking forward to meeting you at the introduction on Monday, the 22nd of August 2011.

Alf Crossman, Course director and Examiner

Organizational Behaviour Theory, used in today's parliament debate.

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