Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Experience of working with under average intellectual knowledge

An assignment was given to the client to provide an attendance sheet of the students in each class, by class by month, below was the reply back.

From instinct and information provided, one would assume that all the classes were attended on one month (any month), so we picked the current month for loading the data.

When the results of all the students in each class for that month was shown, the very first question received was, "How did all the class happen to be on the same current month?"

For the beginning, this was a shocking question,

I replied back "How should it be then?"

"Well, the courses ITP1 and ITP2 were held in Feb, ITP3 in Mar …etc", she replied

I then asked, "Where in this file would one ever know when the class was held?"

"Well,.. (silence for about 2 seconds), you should have know this.", she replied.

My feeling then was both upset and not ure if this person just happened to be hired? This attitude shown from under average intellectual knowledge from a working level staffs reflects directly to the manager whom she reports to. Organizations that employ these types of staffs will never make it to the next level as the effort will be enormous, for even such as easy task yet they fail to deliver.

Recently, CEO Marissa Mayer was also questioned for her costly and largely self-inflicted errors since taking over Yahoo’s [ref]. Training is beyond repair, so it’s best to get rid of the management that keeps them and recruit good people from the start.